WWE WrestleMania 31: 10 Reasons The Undertaker's Match Means Nothing

7. The Undertaker Has Been Out For A Year

The last time we saw the Undertaker in the ring, his streak was ended by Brock Lesnar and the Deadman was left to ponder the end of his mammoth run. Cut forward a year, when he steps between the ropes with Bray Wyatt and it's difficult to see the Undertaker falling straight back into his old self. A year is a long time in the wrestling industry and you only have to look at Daniel Bryan to see how difficult is to retain your fitness and momentum. Bryan is a wrestler who is constantly on the up, while the Undertaker is not. You'll likely see him finding his feet in the opening portion of the match, before getting into his stride. Even if that happens, there's no telling how the fans will react towards him. They could love him or they could be bored by him - it's a risk not worth taking on the grandest stage of them all.

Journalism graduate and now professional wordsmith, writing about games, film and sport.