WWE WrestleMania 31: 8 Shocking Turns That Could Happen On The Night

7. Big Show

The thought Big Show turning again might make people groan because he turns as much as anybody in wrestling, but they are obviously teasing something with him and Kane since they end up bickering every week on WWE TV. While Show is not going to have great matches with most people at this point in his career, WWE sees a lot of value in him as an experienced performer in his early 40s that has a lot of credibility with the audience. WWE likely feels like Show is one of those guys that can change his ways from month to month without tweaking the character too much because he's got so much credibility. Perhaps they will value him more as a face that could work with a younger heel rather than being a part of The Authority. How could it happen? During the Andre the Giant battle royal, Show can be in there near the end along with his Authority buddy Kane. They can be in there alone with Ryback or Sheamus or maybe even a joke guy like Axel. Kane can order Show around, that can lead to Show getting sick of being told what to do and he can nail Kane with a KO Punch. To add to it, he could also throw Kane out.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.