WWE WrestleMania 31: 8 Shocking Turns That Could Happen On The Night

3. Sheamus

Sheamus is expected back in WWE likely at WrestleMania. The videos hyping his return have aired for weeks with no specific date mentioned, but his inclusion in the battle royal is expected. There's really nothing more for him to do as a babyface. He's feuded with most of the guys on the heel side. Plus, the crowd started to get sick of him as a face. Since the face side of WWE is stacked right now, turning him into a badass heel makes a lot of sense. He could even be a part of The Authority to really get more heat. How could it happen? Come back as a face, then turn heel. Do it in the battle royal. He works with a face like Ryback to eliminate Big Show and Kane, then he gets tossed out by Ryback, who is the eventual winner. Post match, Sheamus goes in to shake his hand. Instead of a handshake, he kicks Ryback down low and smashes the trophy over his back. Sheamus could follow it up the next night on Raw with a promo saying he's tired of being the nice guy because it didn't get him anywhere. He can go on to say that the true Celtic Warrior has returned and he's not going to stop hurting people until he's WWE Champion again.

John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.