WWE WrestleMania 32: 10 Big Shocks We Could See

1. Shane McMahon Closing The Show


As Mania draws closer, there's increasing speculation on what will actually main event close the show. Will WWE stick with Hunter and Reigns, or will they switch to Shane versus The Undertaker?

There's certainly a possibility that Shane will be going on last, with the Cell stipulation and rejection of Reigns meaning that it probably does make some sense.

But Shane McMahon, closing the biggest wrestling show of all time?

It just won't feel right. The guy is 46 years old, he's a businessman. To swan in from out of the blue and then close Mania, it will be a travesty when Reigns has been there all year working his !*$% off.

Even more shocking would be if he actually defeats The Undertaker. Can you imagine, Shane McMahon going over The Undertaker in a show closing main event of a WrestleMania? That'd be way more shocking than Reigns closing the show as champion.

WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.