WWE WrestleMania 32: 10 Superstars Tipped To Wrestle In The WWE Championship Match

6. Rusev

Odds €“ 10/3Argument For Rusev has been fantastic since arriving on the WWE€™s main roster and, like Owens, he also claimed a rare PPV victory over John Cena earlier this year at Fastlane. He has shown a great ability to put on entertaining matches with almost every opponent he has wrestled so far and, despite having had a manager for most of this run, he has also shown himself to be a very good performer on the mic as well. Argument Against Having looked so strong in the earlier part of the 2015, Rusev€™s momentum has really been dragged down in recent weeks by the terrible storyline involved in his current feud with Dolph Ziggler. Hopefully the upcoming Night of Champions match will see an end to this feud and Rusev can move on to bigger and better things, but while he€™s still in this storyline his chances of fighting for the title any time soon are getting slimmer and slimmer. Prediction If the WWE Champion is a face come WrestleMania then Rusev, as one of the best up-and-coming heels on the main roster, would have to be among the favourites to get to wrestle him. I do think Rusev is eventually destined for the title picture in the near future, unfortunately I just don€™t see it coming until after next year€™s WrestleMania.

Sports betting enthusiast whose main interests are rugby, football and MMA. Also a huge WWE fan and a self diagnosed TV & movies addict, with a particular love of anything Marvel or Dan Harmon related.