WWE WrestleMania 32: Every Match Ranked From Worst To Best

Shane McMahon gets his wings back.

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WrestleMania is over for another year, and fan reception has been...mixed to say the least. It was a peculiar show more than anything, exemplifying either how stubborn or out-of-touch with fans the booking team appears to be.

Though there actually weren't many outright bad matches, a number of hyped-up fights didn't quite hit the markers they could have, and had to settle for being TV-quality bouts you wouldn't hope to see at the Granddaddy of Them All.

So, not a WrestleMania for the ages by any means, then, but most fans likely expected this, given the controversy surrounding Roman Reigns' current angle and the litany of roster injuries right now. Even so, it fell a little short of its promise, and feels strangely unimportant for something that's so huge in the industry.

12. The Rock Vs. Erick Rowan

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Result: The Rock nails Rowan with the Rock Bottom...and that's the entire match (0:06).

Rating: The match itself was totally inconsequential compared to everything around it: The Rock finally came out almost 4 hours into the show to announce the 101,763 attendance record, before the Wyatts interrupted.

The Rock of course had his wrestling gear on underneath his clothes and had the impromptu "match", after which the Wyatts attempted to attack him and he was saved by a returning John Cena.

An entertaining if overlong segment on the whole, but the match itself didn't even touch the sides, so it can't really score more than a default 1/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.