WWE WrestleMania 33: 23 Best Internet Reactions To Undertaker's Retirement

13. The Freakin' HARDYZ

Undertaker WrestleMania Retirement

So Jeff Hardy WAS lying when he said he and Matt hadn't been talking to WWE because it would take too long to clear them, the little rascal.

But was there ever really any doubt? After all..

And what he's got now is one of the hottest brands in pro wrestling of the past year. As an indication of that, the pair have had an unprecedented run of victories recently...

They didn't come back Broken, but that doesn't necessarily mean they can't reboot the gimmick and use it again. Though maybe that's just wishful thinking?

Still, everyone seems to have been VERY excited, judging by how liberally the exclamation marks were being doled out...

Good times await.


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