WWE WrestleMania 33: 23 Best Internet Reactions To Undertaker's Retirement

8. Brock Lesnar Defies Gravity

If you had 13 seconds on your predictions card, you were probably just as surprised as the rest of the WWE universe that Brock Lesnar and Goldberg actually put a match on with actual strings of moves. Not varied ones, obviously, but strings all the same...

It was never going to be a head-turner particularly, because the hype was utterly destroyed in the run-up (and when the match was set in concrete really), but it at least contained some surprises - like seeing Lesnar bounding into the air like a gazelle...

It's as if something was stirring inside. Perhaps Shane McMahon stealing his move and the return of Jeff Hardy had some unforeseen impact?

Special mention must go to the guy counting the German Suplexes. God's work.


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