WWE WrestleMania 33: 23 Best Internet Reactions To Undertaker's Retirement

5. Stop Trying To Make Reigns Happen

Undertaker WrestleMania Retirement

It no longer matters what anyone says abut Roman Reigns. The revelation that he sells more merch than almost anyone on the roster vindicates absolutely everything WWE do with him. Including having him defeat the Undertaker in his probably final match using a limited move set and little imagination.

Sure, there were some impressive spots, but the enduring memory for Reigns - as always - will be the booing. When he's getting worse reactions than a group who have clearly run out of gas, it's not a good sign at all.

And if he happens to search himself on social media, he's in for a treat.

Maybe they're just sticking with a slow-build Shield gimmick?

Or maybe we should start respecting the choice of a legend?


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