WWE WrestleMania 33: 23 Best Internet Reactions To Undertaker's Retirement

1. #ThankYouTaker

Undertaker WrestleMania Retirement

When the dust settles on this event - as long as there's no surprise deviation from the retirement booking at least - it will be remembered at the last stop on the thrill ride that was The Undertaker's career.

Sure, he'll no doubt be back for the Hall Of Fame (and soon), but whether he actually wrestles again at all is another matter entirely. He looked exhausted, physically and emotionally, and while it was a spirited match, it wasn't the way lots of fans will want to remember him.

Still, now he's retired, the celebration of his career will no doubt rage on for a long time, and rightly so. And it seems a lot of people have a lot to thank him for...

Now, has anyone checked Kane is alright?

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