WWE WrestleMania 33: 23 Best Internet Reactions To Undertaker's Retirement

19. Seriously Though, What Was The Point?

Undertaker WrestleMania Retirement

Another day, another booking that makes no sense. At this stage, it's almost like the creatives are actually trying to M Night Shyamalan as many big match finishes as possible.

Where was Luke Harper after he broke away from The Wyatts? Where was Big Show after he got into ridiculous shape? Where was Sami Zayn who deserves SO much better? And why give Dolph Ziggler a perfunctory long-stand in the match for no reason? It's all just dumb.

There can really be only one reason behind the way Braun Strowman was booked in the run-up to WrestleMania without the pay-off in the match he was supposed to win. To send a strong message of love triumphing over hate, obviously...

When you let a celebrity win - or a superstar win because they know one - you play yourself.


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