WWE WrestleMania 33: 23 Best Internet Reactions To Undertaker's Retirement

17. Shane McMahon GOAT

It looked like a bold move to put the match between Shane McMahon and AJ Styles in the opening slot, but after some incredible spots and a gruelling battle, it was the perfect tonic for an uneven pre-show.

He might be old, and he might not be classed as a wrestler (seriously, how many things does he have to throw himself off to get some acknowledgement, people?!), but Shane knows how to put on a hell of a show. Usually by putting all consideration for his personal safety firmly aside.

A match of the year contender? Now that's the biggest surprise of all.

In context, it all makes sense...

But then, for all of his enthusiasm, his ability to put on a good match comes down even more to the guy he's facing. And lucky for him, he met AJ Styles across the ring...


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