WWE WrestleMania 33: 23 Best Internet Reactions To Undertaker's Retirement

15. Raw Women Impress Despite The Build

Undertaker WrestleMania Retirement

Now that was a move.

It may have surprised some that the Raw Women's match was placed before its SmackDown equivalent, but the reward for watching the earlier slot was an impressive match with some great spots that just about made up for the fact that they should never have taken the belt off Charlotte in the run-up to 'Mania.

Seriously, why? It robbed Bayley of her real WrestleMania moment, it took the edge of Charlotte's performance and it made the end of the match anti-climactic. It's illogical.

But in the end, thanks to how the stars worked the match, it could actually have done with more time...

Excellent booking of Nia Jax too, and an earned ejection that suited her and didn't compromise her position. Unlike Braun Strowman's in the Battle Royal...

Inevitably, there's no pleasing everyone...


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