WWE WrestleMania Backlash 2021: 40 Things You Probably Missed

20. Corey Graves Ribbing ECW

ECW Zombie The Sandman

"Killing the business".

If anybody on social media actually thinks that pro wrestling will die because WWE booked zombies in a midcard gimmick match on a throwaway pay-per-view, then they need to revisit 2006. The same promotion introduced their revamped ECW brand with a fake zombie back then, and here we are.

Corey Graves couldn't resist a dig at that on commentary. He said, "Don't adjust your screens. No, we're not relaunching ECW again" as the zombies surrounding ringside during The Miz vs. Damian Priest.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.