WWE WrestleMania Backlash 2021: 40 Things You Probably Missed

3. Roman Mentioning Daniel Bryan

Roman Reigns Cesaro Daniel Bryan

Well well well.

Roman Reigns made a point of grabbing Cesaro in an arm wringer and then sending a message to someone special watching at home (presumably). He said, "DB, it's ya boy here. I hope you're enjoying the house!". "DB" is, of course, Daniel Bryan.

It's hard to imagine Reigns would bother mentioning Dan is he wasn't going to work with him again. Hell In A Cell, perhaps? Cole and McAfee also name-dropped Bryan after Reigns had done this. That wouldn't be happening either if Bryan was actually done with the promotion for good.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.