WWE WrestleMania Backlash 2022: Every Match Ranked From Worst To Best

3. SmackDown Women's Title - "I Quit" Match: Charlotte Flair (c) Vs. Ronda Rousey

WWE WrestleMania Backlash 2022 Cody Rhodes Seth Rollins

Result: Ronda makes Charlotte quit with an Armbar through a chair (16:35).

Rating: "I Quit" matches have a tendency to be incredibly hit and miss depending on how they're laid out. This one smartly didn't overdo the microphone chatter, was extremely physical from the jump, and didn't devolve into an overlong slog as so many of them do.

An easy improvement over their WrestleMania match, Charlotte and Ronda tarred the hell out of each other throughout. Charlotte's death-scream while selling the Armbar over the ropes was especially fantastic.

Charlotte played the arrogant heel to perfection and ultimately paid the price for it, as made for the night's most satisfying finish. The right person won and it lived up to the brutal expectation of an I Quit match - what more could you expect? 7/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.