WWE: Wrestling's Top 10 High Spots

1. BJ Whitmer vs Jimmy Jacobs - ROH, In Your Face

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToRtC_R0b6M Our top pick for top high spot has to go to these two. OK, so there's no bells and whistles and no fancy flips but the fact that this is one of the craziest spots ever recorded is enough to earn it the number one position. Just look at the referee's reaction as BJ power bombs Jacobs from the top rope straight over the barricade and into the crowd - it makers us think this was a secret spot that many weren't in on. How do you prepare for a moment like that? In WWE the entire section would have included Indy wrestlers posing as fans to help defuse the impact but we're not convinced that that would happen at a Ring of Honor show. What if the crowd had parted like the Red Sea for Moses? Jimmy Jacobs would have splatted straight onto the concrete. Absolutely bonkers. What are your favourite high spots? Is there some crazy moment we've missed? Enlighten us in the comments below.
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.