The year 2013 ended on a huge shocker for the WWE. After months and months of attempting to get Daniel Bryan to "follow the buzzards", Bray Wyatt and the Wyatt Family pulled it off. After two matches with Eric Rowan and Luke Harper along with a post-match beatdown, Daniel Bryan did the unthinkable... he joined the Wyatt Family and was initiated with a little bit of Sweet Abigail. It was a move that shocked fans far and wide. How could Daniel Bryan, arguably the hottest property in all of 2013 and the most over wrestler alive, join the villainous Wyatt Family? 2013 really was Daniel Bryan's year. It was the breakout year into superstar-status that echoed CM Punk's rise to stardom 2 year before. He held the WWE Championship twice, defeated John Cena and deservingly won the slammy for "Superstar of the Year". With the fans backing Bryan more than ever, it could be argued that he became an ever bigger face than John Cena. So for WWE to take us all off guard with transitioning Bryan for face to heel seemed too bizarre to be true. Which does make you ask the question of why they'd do it? Simple - because he can elevate another superstar to stardom but can still remain a huge part of WWE. Bray Wyatt re-debuted in July 2013 but never really had that big of a feud yet until he started feuding with Daniel Bryan. This was perfect for Wyatt. Daniel wrapped up his feud with Randy Orton with style by making Shawn Michaels tap out to the LeBell Lock, still looking strong despite not being in the WWE Title picture. So for the Wyatts to go after Bryan makes them seem a HUGE deal considering Daniel's position in the company. They got elevated along with Bryan and found themselves in RAW main event after RAW main event. Now with Bryan being a part of the Wyatts, Daniel increases the dominance and presence of the group. With The Shield about to disband, The Wyatts are now the top group in the company. And how good does that make Bray Wyatt? If you are the leader of the group that's taking WWE by force, then you've got a lot going for you. Bray just oozes potential about him. He's got incredible mic skills and is certainly a creepy individual. So this group's not losing momentum anytime soon, and if Bray Wyatt keeps getting pushed so does Bryan. Bryan can help Bray along. Heck, what if Daniel Bryan was to win the Royal Rumble and gives his title opportunity to Bray? Don't know what the possibilities of this happening are, but imagine if it did. Bray gets to main event Wrestlemania 30, which is such a big Wrestlemania to be main-eventing. Also, Bryan joins to illustrious list of legends and superstars in WWE that have acquired victory in the Royal Rumble. And if Bray fights whoever the WWE World Champion is at Wrestlemania, Bryan could have a huge match at the show. Undertaker himself reportedly stated that he would want to work with Bryan at Wrestlemania 30. Bray Wyatt could set Bryan on the Undertaker or something. Bryan is no doubt set to have a big match at Wrestlemania and the possibilities are endless. Huge plans are obviously in place for the Wyatt Family if Daniel Bryan is in it. And let's be honest - the day Daniel Bryan turns babyface once more will be the most over Daniel will ever be. Daniel has that likeable factor about him. He may be heel right now, but the fans could still be sympathetic to Bryan for all the crap Bray put him through. They want the fallen hero to return to the good side again and that will push Bryan further and further until he actually turns and goes over majorly. The Wyatt Family will be a big deal in WWE this year. I mean even if Daniel wasn't there, they'd be up there. Wyatt has that creepy sadistic side about him and the golden tongue that will elevate him. However, with the man that is one of the biggest things going in WWE, they will go even further. Daniel benefits, Bray benefits. I bet you even Luke Harper and Eric Rowan could both benefit from as well in some way. With the American Dragon on their side, the Wyatts have 2014 at the palm of their hands.
Multimedia Journalism student hoping to breakthrough into the journalism world. Have high aspirations to get work in online, print and sports journalism. Have huge interests in WWE, MMA, Football, Comics and Video Games. Also a wrestling blogger. Check the blog out here