In professional wrestling a manager can turn a good wrestler into a star. They can be the mouthpiece for their client if they are the strong silent type, and will ensure that their man gets the win, no matter what underhanded tactics they may have to use. Where the wrestler is the brawn, the manager is usually the snake in the grass. He'll slyly putting his clients foot on the bottom rope to stop a pinfall, or deliver a few cheap shots while the ref has his back turned. Not every manager is necessarily a bad guy, but it seems to be that the most successful ones are. It is a lot easier to get to the top, when cheating is one of your main weapons. In recent years there have been fewer and fewer managers, with a some distinct exceptions. It is a real shame, because they often bring a fun, and unexpected element into the matches. It is always satisfying to watch when the most hated man outside of the ring gets his comeuppance, and get a solid right hook to the jaw, rendering them unconscious for at least 10 minutes. Even though the Golden Era of managers may have passed there is still hope that they will make a triumphant return as a crucial part of the wrestling experience.
Brandon Tischer is an avid wrestling fan who has been watching since he was a kid. He, along with his friends, have made a pact to never miss a Wrestlemania together.