WWE's AJ Styles Has A Hilarious Mix-Up On Twitch

Vince McMahon wouldn't be happy at what his kid said!

RAW Underground shane is a state lol

AJ Styles got mixed up when answering fan questions on a special "Just Chatting" stream via his official Twitch channel.

When someone asked for AJ's thoughts on Raw Underground, the former Intercontinental Champion got confused and started talking about 2K's upcoming Battlegrounds video game. He then sort of realised his mistake before trying to buy time by asking his son if he'd seen what the fan was talking about.

That's when Styles Jr blurted out, "I don't watch WWE anymore".


The moment was hilarious, but probably not the kind of thing Vince McMahon would want the children of WWE stars admitting publicly. The kid almost seemed embarrassed by the thought that he'd tune into Raw, SmackDown or NXT in 2020.

It came across like the lad was saying, 'Pro wrestling? I wouldn't watch that stuff!'.


Once AJ composed himself and figured out what the fan was asking, he briefly talked about "the fight scenes" WWE have been airing on Raw. On 2K Battlegrounds, Styles said the game looked cool but he wouldn't really be able to give his thoughts until he'd played some of it.

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AJ Styles
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