WWE's Drew McIntyre Reveals What He'll Do When Fans Return

The champ has a very clear picture in his mind for that first Raw back...

Drew McIntyre

Drew McIntyre told FOX 35 Orlando that he already knows what he wants to do when fans are allowed to attend WWE shows again.

The reigning WWE Champion wants to be the very first wrestler to walk out in front of the people. Then, he wants to raise the belt high above his head and shout, "This is our wrestling moment right here!".

McIntyre, who also said during the interview that it's "an absolute privilege" to entertain those stuck at home during this tough time, is clearly aching to get back out in front of live crowds. That's hardly a surprise; Drew didn't get to experience the pop that would've accompanied his win over Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 36. Instead, he had to settle for social media praise afterwards.


Every champ wants to feel that rush of energy from fans. McIntyre is no different.

The big Scotsman would love to be the first through the curtain to welcome fans back to arenas. If that means he gets to make up for lost time and hear their cheers as he holds up the WWE Title, then that's a nice bonus.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.