WWF Brawl For All: Where Are They Now?

8. 'Dr Death' Steve Williams

Bart Gunn Brawl For All

Rumor has it that 'Dr Death' Steve Williams was supposed to be the winner of Brawl For All. Everyone backstage was that confident he would win that he was, reportedly, already paid the $100,000 prize money upfront before the tournament had started.

The plan was to have him win the tournament then he would get a major push against Stone Cold Steve Austin. Everything was thrown into the air when Williams was knocked by Bart Gunn in the quarter finals, suffering a torn hamstring in the process. The result damaged Williams' reputation in the WWE and he departed soon after.

A brief stint in WCW followed before he returned to Japan where he had spent most of his career prior to joining WWE.

In 2004 he underwent surgery whilst battling throat cancer. After recovering he returned to the ring and worked as a trainer for Ohio Valley Wrestling. Soon after retiring his throat cancer returned and he succumbed to the disease in December 2009.

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Bart Gunn
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Part time artist, part time stone sawyer. Bass player and history lover. Was a cobbler in a past life.