33 Holy S*** Moments From WWE Raw History

12. Kane Unmasks

Kane was well established as one of the WWE's most distinctive stars, having competed under the famous red mask for six successful years as of 2003. So no one ever imagined the WWE pulling the rug from under that gimmick, least of all in a Raw match that only had a one week build. But that's exactly what WWE did in the spring of 2003, as a special treat for the Madison Square Garden Raw broadcast. The booking was Triple H with his world title on the line against Kane's mask. When The Game won, Kane then stayed in the ring and took the mask off. It revealed a dirty face and half trimmed haircut, which WWE would change to a clean bald look on the next week's episode. Having watched the Big Red Machine for so many years, it was a memorable holy s*** moment to finally see him unmasked, especially when most fans figured there'd have been some sort of swerve involved.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.