8 New Directions For WWE Champion Triple H

1. Past Vs. Present

This is the big one, a WrestleMania match that has been rumoured for several weeks now - and one which could prove incredibly damaging with regards to WWE's main event scene. Although Triple H vs. Roman Reigns would undoubtedly be a marquee match, it would potentially result in a hostile crowd (whatever the outcome) - never an ideal scenario for the 'Mania main event. Roman Reigns still doesn't have the universal acceptance WWE so desperately crave for him, while Triple H standing tall at the end of a major PPV in 2016 seems utterly absurd. However, seemingly regardless of popular opinion (and regardless of who he'll face at Fastlane), Triple H's eventual 'Mania opponent looks set to be Reigns. WWE have made no secret of the fact that Roman is the next big thing - although. somewhat unwisely, they've decided to hand-pick their next generation-defining superstar, rather than allow one to make themselves known organically. It looks as though we'll be approaching yet another WrestleMania season with WWE in something of a dilemma. Do they go the predictable route - a clean Roman victory and title win - and risk a possible fan mutiny, or take a major risk and mix things up? Only time will tell...
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Triple H
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.