10 Batman Movie Villains Reimagined For The DCEU

8. Grounded Mr. Freeze

josh gad penguin
DC Comics

It will be a cold day in hell before they attempt to bring Mr. Freeze back to the big screen, given how tarnished his reputation is thanks to the Joel Schumacher era.

Somewhere between those ice hockey goons and Arnie's horrible ice puns, it has become difficult to speak Victor Fries's name in the context of movies without cringing.

That's a shame, because it would theoretically be possible to repackage the character in a semi-realistic way.

Focus on the tragic elements of the villain via the terminally ill wife angle and position him as a researcher working on a cryogenics project for Wayne Enterprises.

Other than weaponsing the experiment when things go south, Mr. Freeze should be a regular old criminal mastermind, never crossing that fine line into supervillainy.

Ben Kingsley would be a solid choice for the part, bringing the right balance of gravitas and sophistication to the role of the learned Fries.


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