10 Most Embarrassing Comic Book Deaths

4. Pantha (Infinite Crisis)

Villain Bites
DC Comics

Superhero deaths are meant to evoke a strong reaction from fans. There’s something about a hero going against the odds and failing that resonates with all of us. While comic book readers have become calloused towards the deaths of characters given the frequency in which they are resurrected, a death is still meant to tug at the heartstrings. Of course, if you’re a C-list superhero who constantly berates your own teammates, well let’s just say no one is crying at your funeral.

Teen Titan and perpetually whiny Pantha was always one of those random characters who was just sort of there. In fact, the writers didn’t even bother to properly explain the origin of her vague feline-esque powers, so when she bit the big one during Infinite Crisis, no one batted an eye except for Ambush Bug, a joke character who was knocked unconscious by her decapitated head.

But I digress. An emo Superboy Prime is putting the smackdown on Superboy because he doesn’t fit his definition of a hero or some such nonsense when the Teen Titans show up to even the odds. Pantha lunges at Superboy Prime from behind only to have her head taken off by Superboy Prime’s wayward fist. Superboy Prime didn’t even mean to do it; she just kind of launched herself into it. Oh well, no big loss.


Ryan Lynch is a freelance journalist from the United States. He currently lives in Adelaide, Australia and writes for Adelaide-based music magazine Rip It Up. He wishes he could live like Hank Moody, but he watches too much TV and plays too many videogames to be that nonchalant.