10 Terrifying Comic Supervillains That Gave You Nightmares

7. Professor Pyg

Doctor Doom Batman New 52
DC Comics

The weird thing about Professor Pyg is that, by all accounts, he shouldn't be as frightening as he is. A chubby man with a penchant for wearing pig masks on paper sounds almost funny, and yet every time Pyg stars in an issue it is without doubt terrifying - in no small part due to his penchant for performing lobotomies with drills.

In all fairness, there's something about pairing a bloodstained butcher's outfit with a pig mask that just screams classic horror movie villain design. His role in the TV show Gotham adds some stitches to the mask, too, just in case you weren't already aware that Pyg is basically the swine-themed equivalent of Leatherface.

However, any fear readers have for the 'Professor' is likely the result of just how insane Pyg's methods are - deforming people to be his Dolltron minions to make them 'perfect', which is the sort of reasoning that would also fit right into a classic horror movie.

Add to this a fondness for nonsensical and legitimately disturbing monologues and you have one of the most genuinely unstable and unsettling additions to the DC villains roster.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.