10 Terrifying Comic Supervillains That Gave You Nightmares

6. Doctor Death

Doctor Doom Batman New 52
DC Comics

There are some powers that are incapable of not being horrific. Doctor Death is a prime example of this, as his power is a serum that generates uncontrolled bone growth in those who take it - which is somehow worse than the death gas his character had been using prior to his New 52 reimagining.

Worse, Doctor Death's new appearance is canonically early in Bruce Wayne's career as Batman, meaning not only is the Dark Knight left to fight a horde of grotesquely misshapen humans with super strength, he is also doing it with comparatively little idea of how to combat them.

Moreover, Doctor Death just outright looks terrifying. Looking somewhere between a shark and a fungus, the only positive thing about Doctor Death's appearance is that he could make a dentist serious money.

The knowledge that Death used the serum on himself is equally terrifying, as it implies either he used it on other people after seeing what it did to himself, or alternatively looked at the monstrosity it did with others' bodies and thought he should try it on himself, and it is profoundly unclear which option is worse.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.