10 Worst Things Lobo Has Ever Done

8. Killing Himself

Lobo New 52
DC Comics

The widespread hate for the New 52 version of Lobo came from precisely two factors; the new version looked entirely different, and he also killed the old, 'fake' version of himself within the first issue of his new comic run.

Nicknamed 'Twilight Lobo', this version of the hardcore assassin managed to have the murder of his old self be basically the worst thing he ever did - which, by Lobo standards, is a categorical let-down. While it was an interesting experimentation with the character, it lacked all of the heart of what makes Lobo so interesting; namely, an unflinching love of doing terrible, terrible stuff.

Not only was this all bad on the level of encouraging further fan hate for the character, but it's also just straight-up a dumb move, as a double-Lobo team-up would have been as unstoppable as it was badass.

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