10 Worst Things Lobo Has Ever Done

7. Destroying A Peaceful Alien Race

Lobo New 52
DC Comics

If there were ever a proper way to contextualise how straight-up insane Lobo is, it would be the knowledge that once, just hearing Lobo's thoughts drove an entire planet mad.

This is because the people of the Magellanic Clouds are mind-readers - who have existed in a constant state of bliss by reading the minds and positive thoughts of people light-years away. It's a peaceful existence - or, at least, it's peaceful right up until they accidentally find the mind of the space assassin, and suddenly break into unbridled chaos. The Magellanics turn on one another immediately, descending into violence, cannibalism and chaos, all the while using one of Lobo's iconic space-swearwords.

It's weird thinking that one of the worst things that Lobo has done is something that he'll never know about - yet also, somehow totally unsurprising.

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.