15 Most Inappropriate Comics Storylines Of All Time‏

9. Tigra Is Pro-Choice

Tiaga wiki

In a universe full of goofy characters, Tigra is one of the goofiest. Transformed into a cat-person by a mystic ritual that fused her soul with some sort of feline god, her main use in Marvel Comics was to wear a bikini for adolescent teen boys to stare at, and occasionally lick her fur so as to remind them that she was part cat. She was single-handedly responsible for furries, basically. Recently, Tigra got a dose of that patented Marvel Tragic Storyline when she got pregnant from a Skrull posing as Hank Pym (that jerk again!), and had to decide whether she was going to keep the baby or not.

This is probably the first time that abortion was directly dealt with in a superhero comic, and the results were...mixed, at best. Even before she realised the father was a Skrull she was considering it, given Pym's track record as a husband. She was put off going through the procedure when she battled Ragnarok, but began to think seriously about it when a mechanical facsimile of Thor's hammer clocked her in the belly.

Then Norman Osborn demanded she either abort it or give birth to it immediately, since he wanted to use the baby as a weapon. So. Yeah. Sensitive subject, covered in the least sensitive manner possible.

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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/