DCEU: 10 Characters Who Must Appear (And Who Should Play Them)

6. Green Arrow - Charlie Hunnam

Green Lantern DC Casting
DC/Warner Bros.

While the version of Green Arrow seen in the CW's show may have garnered immense popularity over its many, many seasons, that incarnation really is just a Batman knockoff.

This is due to many of the storylines surrounding the small screen's Oliver Queen being based off of the Dark Knight's books, which meant the character missed his overtly political tone and lacked any semblance of humour. It led fans to question why the Caped Crusader wasn't the one featured in the first place, and well, that simply won't do for the big screen.

Though, with DC seeming to be taking their movies in a more light-hearted direction (following the success of Aquaman) there is now the perfect opportunity for Green Arrow to be done correctly on-screen.

And when you have an actor, namely Charlie Hunnam, who is the spitting image of the character, it would be foolish for DC not to jump at this chance.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!