DCEU: 10 Characters Who Must Appear (And Who Should Play Them)

7. The Question - Stephen Dorff

Green Lantern DC Casting

Other than the three people who are fans of the Question (all of whom coincidentally seem to write for WhatCulture), too many people - especially those outside of the comics world - probably haven't heard of this character, let alone are fans of him.

This is a massive shame, as the hero is one who should be on a similar level to the likes of Batman, being a badass detective who can fight as well as he can think. Though, generally unlike the tales featuring the Caped Crusader, the character's journey is one of inner conflict and learning what it is to have humility, the hero being an arrogant hot-head in his early days before becoming much more of a spiritual, zen-like figure later down the line.

In recent years, True Detective has become one of the most revered crime dramas currently airing on television. As the series' namesake already suggests, it has a focus on detective work, meaning there are several actors who are already taylor-made to take on the role of the Question.

One such actor is Stephen Dorff, who played a critical role in the most recent season of the show - and did so excellently - which makes him practically perfectly to portray Vic Sage.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!