DCEU: 10 Characters Who Must Appear (And Who Should Play Them)

5. Hawkgirl - Hannah John-Kamen

Green Lantern DC Casting

If you're a fan of the animated series Justice League Unlimited or even Scott Snyder's current run on DC's premiere team, then you're also more than likely a fan of Hawkgirl, a mainstay of both incarnations of the group.

Though, outside of these two series, the character is still relatively unknown to mainstream audiences - even with her brief appearances in the Arrowverse, making the big screen the best option for her to receive the proper exposure that she deserves.

If the character is given said exposure, whether it be in a Justice League follow-up or alongside Hawkman, then Hannah John-Kamen should be the one to portray her.

Sure, the actor's best known performances are those which see her as the antagonist, but the intensity and sheer badass-ery John-Kamen brought to each of those roles mean that she would also be more than well-suited to portray this winged-warrior.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!