EVERY Hero Batman Has Defeated

11. Lex Luthor - Robin Rises: Omega

Batman Justice League Doom
DC Comics

Proving that going from villain to hero makes you no safer from the Dark Knight's fists, Lex Luthor sees himself once again face Batman's fury in Robin Rises: Omega - despite being in the Justice League as a hero in his own right.

After Damian Wayne's coffin is stolen, his long-suffering father goes from brooding to outright furious, even punching Shazam for preventing him from chasing after his son. Luthor - having either not realised how close to breaking point the hero was, or simply finding it fun to push his buttons - then proceeds to mock the grieving man, earning him the reward of a personalised Bat-punch to the face.

It's not the only time Batman has punched Luthor out, but it's perhaps the most satisfying, as it's entirely justifiable - although to be fair punching Lex Luthor is never not reasonable, really.


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