EVERY Hero Batman Has Defeated

12. Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) - All-Star Batman And Robin

Batman Justice League Doom
DC Comics

A bright spot in the otherwise unabashedly terrible All-Star Batman and Robin series, Batman's method of defeating Hal Jordan is nothing short of hilarious.

Relying on an old flaw of the Green Lantern Corps - namely, their weakness to the colour yellow - Batman and his trusty sidekick spend what must have been a solid weekend painting one of their safe houses entirely yellow, before finishing the job by covering themselves head to toe in the same paint. The result is that Hal is unable to use his powers in the room or on either vigilante, allowing them to provide him one of the most bizarre beatdowns in the entire DC universe.

It may be a totally ridiculous way to defeat a fellow hero, but in terms of entertainment value, it's hard to beat a lemon-coloured Batman and Robin smugly beating up a scandalised Green Lantern.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.