EVERY Hero Batman Has Defeated

10. The Flash - JLA #43

Batman Justice League Doom
DC Comics

The 'Tower of Babel' storyline is one of the most well-known examples of Batman's ability to defeat his fellow heroes being revealed - as when Ra's Al Ghul steals his secret plans to defeat the Justice League, each one works uncannily well.

Of all these takedowns, perhaps the cruelest is the Flash's fate, as he is shot with a 'vibratory projectile' that embeds in his spine and forces him into a seizure. Better yet, these seizures are at lightspeed, so the unfortunate superhero experiences whole days of sheer agony in literal seconds, meaning when he comes out of it he has experienced weeks of torture in twenty-two minutes.

While it wasn't Batman pulling the trigger, it is his plan, meaning that it's success is still technically his victory - only a victory he didn't really want, and one that drives a huge wedge between the pair for some time afterwards. But then, when it's revealed that you have secret death traps tailor-made for all your best buds, the chance of them not being mad is pretty slim.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.