Supergirl Season 4 Finale: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

2. Malefic Has Arrived

Supergirl Malefic
The CW

There were two fragments to the unexpected return of The Monitor, and both of them appear to have dark consequences for the future of the show and/or the Arrowverse. The first one, however, will undoubtedly have a personal impact on one of Supergirl's most beloved characters.

As he made his way to a breach in the atmosphere, it quickly became clear that the God-like being hadn't shown up alone. Stepping out of the breach, a tall hooded figure approached The Monitor and, upon hearing that he had arrived on Earth, he slowly removed his hood. In doing so, he revealed that he was a Martian and, more unnervingly, he was the spitting image of J'onn J'onzz - the very Martian that he swore to exact revenge on. Meet Malefic J'onzz.

In the comics, Malefic is the twin brother of the Martian Manhunter and is actually responsible for the fire that destroyed Mars and ultimately resulted in J'onn's retreat to Earth. Needless to say, the pair were archenemies and, as the result of his actions, Malefic was left alone on Mars for years - before he eventually made his way to Earth to battle his brother.

It sure seems like Supergirl has constructed a similar narrative for the vengeful Martian which will undoubtedly give J'onn a really juicy storyline next season. The question is: Can these two find a way to bury the hatchet, or is their sibling rivalry destined to take a fiery turn?

Another, more pressing, question is: Why did The Monitor bring him to Earth?

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.