The Joker: 10 Totally Different Characters He's Been

5. The Thin White Duke Of Death

Grant Morrison has been responsible for about fourteen different takes on Batman during his time writing the character and, consequently, a good dozen different Jokers. His recent long run on the main Batman title opened with The Joker taking a bullet to the forehead, courtesy of a Gotham Police sniper. As such he was AWOL for the early issues of the run, giving the Caped Crusader time to hang out with his long-lost son Damian Wayne, before returning triumphantly amongst the Batman RIP arc. It wasn't clear if he was involved with the criminal organisation The Black Glove in tearing the hero apart, or just watching from the sidelines. The Joker is reborn as a cruel, enigmatic force who immediately tries to murder Harley Quinn, in order to prove that he has become more than human. Then he succeeds in killing all of the Black Glove.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at