The Joker: 10 Totally Different Characters He's Been
6. Gentleman Thief
Which is the polar opposite of his characterisation in Batman's first TV appearance. The sixties Adam West series broke away from the standard depictions of basically everyone involved with the character, with Bruce Wayne and Robin a fun-loving pair of pals fighting crime, instead of a Gloomy Gus and his orphaned ward. All of the rogues gallery got a more friendly, prime time, family-friendly look as well. Two-Face made no appearance, King Tut was a recurring bad guy, and The Joker was changed from a murderous psychopath to Caesar Romero, who is not that. Romero had the hysterical laughter down, the classic purple-suited outfit, and the familiar make up (albeit painted over his moustache, which he refused to shave for the role). He was similar to the Silver Age trickster, but more robbing banks, less hand buzzers.
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at