10 Excruciating Films That Ruined Your Image Of Batman Actors

5. Keaton Plays A Vigilante Again - One Good Cop

One Good Cop If One Good Cop's storyline sounds familiar, it's probably because it bears certain uncanny, and unhelpful similarities with Batman. It has orphans to a murdered parent, dirty cops and a vigilante played by Michael Keaton who goes Robin Hood on criminals (though this time it's to pay for a new house, and to give some cash to charity.) There are differences of course - Keaton does't wear a cape, or have a high-tech cave full of gadgets, and he has to balance his crime-fighting with a difficult family life centred on looking after the kids of his dead partner. It sort of boils down to the question of how Batman would cope if he had three kids to look after, and if Commissioner Gordon was the least understanding cop in the world. The problem here is that the film sort of trades on Keaton's association with the Batman property: he was once a vigilante taking from the bad guys and protecting the good, and fans could have been tempted towards One Good Cop under a similar, false pretense. For that mistake, they were rewarded with a bland melodrama that mishandled its talents, and reduced an intriguing story into something almost entirely unwatchable. The Low Point Realising that the Robin Hood vigilante premise doesn't really work with all of the emotional backage that would traditionally categorise a day time cable movie.
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