10 Famous Actor Pairings You Didn't Realise Hated One Another In Real Life

8. Russell Crowe & Oliver Reed - Gladiator

The critically acclaimed historical epic Gladiator tells the tale of Maximus Decimus Meridius (Russell Crowe), a betrayed Roman general who seeks to avenge his family and his emperor. He is aided by Aurelius Proximo, played by the late Oliver Reed who tragically died of a heart attack whilst filming. Despite Maximus and Proximo€™s on-screen quasi-bromance, Crowe had few happy memories to share of his time filming with Reed. Reed, known for his alcoholism, was described by Crowe quite respectfully as €œnot impressive€ while going out and binge drinking during the shooting of Gladiator in Malta, saying that he would drink until he passed out €œlying in his own vomit,€ and often took to fighting strangers on the street while drunk, even €œa man walking with his children,€ according to Crowe. While Crowe has not exactly been the paragon for angelic behaviour as depicted by the media in the past, he understandably did not get on at all with his co-star while filming the epic movie, preferring the company of other co-star Richard Harris (tough, seeing as he was murdered in the first quarter of the film).

Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.