10 Famous Actor Pairings You Didn't Realise Hated One Another In Real Life

9. Lucy Liu & Bill Murray - Charlie€™s Angels

This one has become something of a legend, even though both actors involved have denied its occurrence, but the modern myth goes like this: one day while filming Charlie€™s Angels, Bill Murray told co-star Lucy Liu bluntly in the middle of shooting a scene: €œYou can€™t act.€ The actress€™s response to this slight? To start wildly volleying punches at Murray - the two had to be physically separated, or so the story goes, and sent to their respective corners. Talk of €˜creative differences€™ between the two had crept up prior to this alleged fist-fighting incident; one such creative difference apparently culminated in a shouting match, wherein, as Murray puts it, the two €œthrew hand-grenades and skyrockets€ at one another (hopefully figuratively). While Murray denies it, it€™s said that the reason he refused a role in the sequel was because of Lucy Liu€™s involvement. Whether or not this is true will remain unknown.

Canadian student. Spends probably an unhealthy amount of time enthusing over musicals, unpopular TV shows, and Harry Potter. Main life goal: to become fluent in Elvish.