10 Greatest Easter-Themed Horror Movies

8. Resurrection

Fist Of Jesus
Columbia TriStar Home Video

Highlander director Russell Mulcahy and star Christopher Lambert reunite in late 90s serial killer thriller Resurrection about a messed-up dude going around Chicago, gruesomely murdering people and amputating an assortment of their limbs in a festive bid to reconstruct the body of Christ just in time for the resurrection celebrations on Easter Sunday.

Kind of like Frankenstein’s monster but the monster is the Son of God because nothing quite proves your love for Jesus than creating an effigy of him out of rotting body parts.

Lambert plays the detective hot on the serial killer’s trail but thankfully Mulcahy had the good sense to make him a Cajun transplant transferred to the Windy City by way of New Orleans so we don’t have to put up with any weird attempts at a non-French accent from Lambert like we did in Highlander.


Helen Jones hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.