10 Greatest Easter-Themed Horror Movies

7. Easter Sunday

Fist Of Jesus
Northgate Films

If there’s one thing better than all the chocolate eggs you get to binge on this time of year, it’s that Easter pretty much gives you free range to spit out as many egg-based puns as you possibly can within the space of one long weekend.

And 80s slasher throwback Easter Sunday has egg puns in abundance. Just check out its tagline – ‘This year everyone will be eggsecuted’. Those are some egg-cellent (sorry) pun-based skills! Anyhow, to the plot …

Some twenty years after crazed killer Douglas Fisher brutally slaughtered his own wife and daughter on Easter Sunday – while wearing a homemade papier-mâché bunny mask, naturally – a group of pesky young’uns inadvertently resurrect his spirit who returns to possess his surviving son to kill a few more people. Because that’s what crazed killers do.

With a micro-budget of almost nothing, Easter Sunday doesn’t exactly have the best production values but what it lacks in skill it makes up for in grindhouse gusto and boasts not one but two veteran horror actors – Maniac Cop’s Robert Z’Dar and Ari Lehman, the OG Jason Voorhees – among its cast. Not bad for a film funded by Kickstarter, eh?


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