10 Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 Rumours You Need To See

3. Darkhawk And/Or Starhawk Will Make An Appearance

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 Gamora Star-Lord
Marvel Comics

Last month, io9 spotted that an Amazon storefront themed around Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 had dedicated a whole section to Darkhawk, a masked superhero from the comics that hasn't been confirmed among the movie's roster. The error on Amazon's part has since been erased, but the rumour persisted - maybe he's secretly in the film.

Darkhawk (whose powers include a healing factor, energy projection and super strength) also had a Marvel Legends action figure unveiled recently. In the same statement that mentioned the Adam Warlock figure, James Gunn denied that the Darkhawk merchandise has anything to do with his film. However, Gunn stopped short of confirming or denying whether Darkhawk is in his plans.

Starhawk (surprisingly, no relation to Darkhawk) is another hero that's been rumoured for Guardians 2. He was a hot tip to be Star-Lord's dad until the Ego announcement arrived, and since then talk of his potential inclusion has quietened down. He's invulnerable, capable of flight, and a regular collaborator with the Guardians in the comics. He would slot in nicely with the cinematic team.

There's one reason to take all of these secret superhero rumours with a pinch of salt: if Marvel had a new hero coming to the screen, wouldn't they want to publicise it?


Film & TV journo. Quite tall.