10 Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2 Rumours You Need To See

2. Mantis Is Peter Quill’s Half-Sister

Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 Gamora Star-Lord
Marvel Studios

Claiming that their information comes from a leak within Marvel, ScreenGeek have stated that Pom Klementieff's Mantis "is Star-Lord’s half-sister and a prisoner of Ego." The second part of that sentence comes as no shock (since Klementieff has told Collider that Mantis "spent her life with Kurt Russell’s character"), but the first half is a big fat surprise.

Once you've heard this rumour you'll never watch the latest Guardians 2 trailer in the same way. When Drax says "we're family", the camera pans down from a shot of the main group to put Mantis right in the centre of the frame. This could be a complete fluke, or it could be a hint that this familial theory is right on the money.

Presumably, Ego The Living Planet has romanced women from a number of different planets. During a brief sojourn on Earth he impregnated Peter Quill's mum, and perhaps he also got frisky on whatever planet Mantis is from (which is yet to be confirmed).

Peter having a sibling in space could make for an interesting change, if this one turns out to be true. James Gunn could do some interesting comparing and contrasting between Gamora/Nebula and Peter/Mantis, all of whom have spacefaring weirdos for dads.


Film & TV journo. Quite tall.