10 Most Annoying Characters In Batman Movies

8. John Daggett (The Dark Knight Rises)

Ben Mendelsohn is a fantastic actor, so unlike some of these cringe-worthy performances, it€™s clear that his efforts to be a smarmy, unlikable businessman are deliberate. He relishes sitting in the board room, arrogantly telling Bruce Wayne he doesn€™t belong at his own company. He€™s the epitome of the callous businessman and it€™s hard to watch him speak without clenched fists. Privately, he€™s entitled and angry about not getting control of Wayne Enterprises as he believes he should. He has no sense of awareness and for a while, there€™s no one to stand up to him. He even taunts Catwoman with the lack of the Clean Slate program, laughing at her for trying to start anew while using her like a pawn. Of course, Daggett€™s annoyances end up meeting a more than satisfying conclusion thanks to Bane. While Daggett pleads that Bane owes him for all of his money, Bane disregards his claims and calmly gouges out his eyes in an act of welcome retribution for the audience.

Connor loves movies, comics, and TV, and is trying to write for people who feel the same way. When he's not sitting on the couch with his laptop, you might find him lying in his bed with his laptop.