10 Movie Villains Who Made One Wrong Move

8. Castor Troy - Face/Off

Face Off John Travolta
Buena Vista Pictures

The Wrong Move

While face-swapped with FBI agent Sean Archer (John Travolta), psychopathic criminal Castor Troy (Nicolas Cage) insinuates himself into Archer's family life, even beating the snot out of the handsy boyfriend of Archer's daughter Jamie (Dominique Swain).

But Troy-as-Archer takes things too far when he gives Jamie a butterfly knife and instructs her to stab her boyfriend in the thigh and twist the knife the next time he tries to force himself on her.

By doing this, Troy ultimately dooms himself in the third act, as after taking Jamie hostage and having Archer on the back foot, Jamie pulls out said butterfly knife, stabs him in the leg and twists.

This allows Jamie to get away and gives Troy a major physical disadvantage in the remaining speedboat chase and final fisticuffs, leading to his eventual death.

What They Should've Done

Don't give a child a knife, maybe? If Jamie didn't have that weapon, she would've been helpless against Troy, and there's a good chance Troy would've been able to kill Archer or in the very least make his escape while using Jamie as leverage.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.