10 Old-School Movie Action Heroes Who Need Rebooting

3. Liu Kang (Mortal Kombat)

Why He Needs Rebooting: This one really goes for the Mortal Kombat property as a whole, but as Liu Kang is the series' protagonist, it stands to reason that he'd be the face of a new Mortal Kombat movie. Paul W.S. Anderson's cornball original film was a lot of fun, though the same can't really be said for the 1997 sequel, Annihilation. Countless TV shows have been released since then, as well as constant promises of a third movie, which I'll believe exists when I see it for myself. The main reason it needs a reboot? Anderson ran the original movie series into the ground, but the video game series continues to thrive, so why is it so hard to get a movie adaptation off the ground? Who Would Play Him: A few years ago, I would have eagerly suggested the original Liu Kang, Robin Shou, because he's still in great shape, though at 53 years old his age would now be rather noticeable. To me, the smartest option seems to be Brian Tee, who played Kang in the web series Mortal Kombat Legacy, and would certainly be a popular choice among fans.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.